It’s really easy to overlook this, although because of that the pacing of the book was a little slower than I usually like. I was kind of hoping there would be more after it, but it ended kind of abruptly (however, I’m not at all complaining with the way it ended – it was so heartwarming and you know me – I love books with happy endings). The only real problem that I had with this is that the conflict doesn’t really happen until almost the end of the book, and it’s resolved very quickly. This is one of those books that I honestly did not want to end because it was just so much fun. Reading their e-mails and text messages was so much fun, and I found myself loving both of these fictional characters and wishing that they were my actual friends.

We get a good look into their lives when it comes to their families, and see that they are more or less the polar opposites of each other – making you wonder how they are really even friends at all.

This book goes through one character discovering her self by dating many people (including a member of her college’s staff – yikes!), and another character dealing with her wish to join a sorority and her own emotional insecurities. Gen’s character is outspoken, honest, loud, and funny, while Ava is more down to earth, shy, and has a hard time making friends. Because of the format, it didn’t even take me very long to read this one – I got through it in a single day because I was unable to put it down. It’s so different than other books because it is told entirely in text messages and e-mails, instead of your usual contemporary novel that is just told in chapters with alternating points of view. I had a feeling that I was going to love this book based on the writing style alone. However, as everyone knows, friendships hit snags here and there, and the girls are eventually faced with a bit of their own. Over the time span of those few months, they both change, but are able to retain their close friendship through daily e-mails and texts so they can see what is going on with each other. This book takes the girls from right before they leave for college through until their holiday break. Ava is going to college for screenwriting, while Gen is going for journalism, and they are determined to stay in touch, no matter what. They are going to college on opposite ends of the country, and they are going to miss each other – especially since they are pretty much inseparable before they leave. It’s told through text messages and e-mails between two best friends, Gen and Ava. I Hate Everyone But You is not your traditional novel, and I think that’s one of the reasons I enjoyed it so much. I feel like I’ve been reading a lot of either deep, somber contemporary novels and a lot of fantasy lately, so when I picked up I Hate Everyone But You, I got exactly what I was hoping for – a lighthearted, funny story about friendship and what it means to stay close to the person you love more than anyone else.