On June 27, 2021, election denier and “audit” ally Phil Waldron told Logan that “Kurt is going to talk to 45 today about $$.” While the identity of Kurt is unclear from the records, Waldron may have been referring to the election-denying lawyer Kurt Olsen. The recipient asked, “What about the illegals, out of state residents, gays voting?” Logan replied, “That part is indefinitely delayed… but hoping to kick that off soon.” It is unclear what process or stage of the “audit” they are referring to. The message recipient asked if “after the count, the ballots are all checked for legality.” Logan said, “That is the point of the paper examination.” On June 12, Logan exchanged texts with a recipient named Seth, likely election fraud conspiracy theorist Seth Keshel. The messages also highlight “audit” leaders’ interest in potentially discrediting certain votes.

Later, Logan wrote that Powell “says she’ll send something small.” “Is it just being allocated to the next audit, or is there really nothing?” Later in the exchange, Logan wrote that he was “still awaiting to hear back from Kelli for a time to talk” and that he was “supposed to talk to Sidney later today,” likely referring to Arizona Republican Party Chair Kelli Ward and Donald Trump-allied attorney and “audit” funder Sidney Powell. Logan also hinted at the possibility of more “audits” in a June 2021 email about funding : “Have we had any more money come into TAP?” Logan asked Sanders, likely referring to the America Project. (Cyber Ninjas did not conduct the Pennsylvania Senate’s investigation and shut down due to financial problems in January 2022.) That same month, a Cyber Ninjas ally wrote, in a message we obtained, that “PA will be one of the next domino’s to fall,” mirroring language often used by election conspiracy theorists. In September of that year, Republicans in the Pennsylvania Senate launched a “forensic investigation” of the state’s 2020 election results. If my company is still solvent to do that audit, LOL.” After Sanders asked Logan if he knew anybody who had “cloned server” and specified that he was thinking of Pennsylvania, Logan responded, “I’ll see what I can dig up to gain experience. In a set of texts exchanged on June 16, 2021, between Logan and Todd Sanders, of “audit” funder the America Project, the two discussed technical details that could be relevant for “a future audit” in Pennsylvania. The newly released messages also show how the election deniers in charge of the “audit” anticipated similar efforts to follow in other states across the country. Anticipated Future Audits and Anti-Democratic EffortsĮvidence uncovered through our investigation into the Maricopa County “audit” demonstrated that it was launched with the predetermined goal of finding fraud that would discredit the results of the 2020 election. The messages show Logan communicating with a wide cast of Trump-allied election deniers and provide more insight into how “audit” leaders’ helped sow distrust in U.S. The latest documents - released the day before Thanksgiving in response to American Oversight’s lawsuit for records related to the “audit” - were formerly held by Cyber Ninjas and include text messages sent and received by former CEO Doug Logan. The partisan “audit,” initiated following the 2020 presidential election by the Arizona Senate and conducted by lead contractor Cyber Ninjas, was heavily influenced by lies about a stolen election and helped inspire other absurd election “investigation” efforts.

As local officials in Cochise County, Ariz., face lawsuits for refusing to certify the results of the 2022 midterms, American Oversight has obtained additional records from last year’s discredited “audit” of Maricopa County’s 2020 vote, including text messages with conspiracy theorists pushing the same lies fueling today’s ongoing election denial.